I'ma a young Leonardo Da'vinnci I rap, draw, make movies, cook, go to school, etc
Age 34, Male
The School of HardKnock
Joined on 5/26/11
So I listened to this thing front to back. Here's my thoughts. PM me if you want me to clarify anything I said here.
Intro -- Liked the low pitch vocal thing here.
Kamikazi -- one of my fav tracks. Loved the beat. I left my review of it there.
Champion -- one of my fav tracks. Beat was great. Lyrically, most dense (also my favorite, coolest flows here)
In Control -- Beat was very DOOM-esque. Maybe be a little more consistent with the hook delivery (the first 2 times were done totally differently, it kinda threw me off)
About Dat -- why isn't the title of the song "money"? When the word "money" echoes out in the hook, I'm hearing that more than the "about dat" said before. Also the word pops up a lot in the verses.
Happy Place -- dragged on a bit, especially when the hook would repeat a lot
Things Changed -- liked the beat. Great drum pattern. Bass sounded great.
Cyanide the Final Dose -- one of my fav beats, loved the texture of that sample. "I've stopped caring two fucks ago" is a really cool line.
Mars '14 -- felt like it dragged a bit as well
Sun in your eyes -- dug the beat, liked the guest vocals, they matched the sentiment of the track.
Who R U -- I'm a sucker for beats with vibraphones. The hook was catchy.
Letter in a Bottle -- The low pitch voice for the rapping and high for the hook didn't really do it for me. Whole track felt super Tyler-esque, especially the rapping and subject matter.
Lavish Life -- I would recommend putting something over the mic (some type of fabric -- like a sock or something with holes in it to block big exhalations without muting the sound too much). The first rapper had massive plosive consonants going on (whenever he said a word that started with "p" the mic exploded). The 2nd rapper had a pretty bad mic -- he sounded super nasal the whole time and I had trouble making out what he was saying. His flow was pretty cool, though, on that line with all the black whatevers in a row.
Overall I got a pretty big Tyler vibe on the music (beats and flow-wise) without his trademark misanthropy. I think you have a good ear for beats. If you keep cranking away at writing those lyrics, I think you'll find your voice. Hustle never ends, man.
thank you so much I really appreciate the feedback best mixtape review ever my next mixtape that will be dropping next year will be really good so i'll have to inform you on that project would it also be okay if I used one of your beats you have some real trippy beats bro thank you again
Listening to it right now. Digging it.